Better Business rebates

Ku-ring-gai Council is expanding its support for local businesses who are championing sustainability in their work practices. Better Business Partnership program members can take advantage of rebates to install energy and water efficiency measures and solar PV.
Rebates available
Level 2 Energy Audits
Only available for businesses that use more than 40MWh of electricity annually. Businesses can claim up to $2000 towards the cost of a Level 2 audit, in 2 parts as follows:
- Part 1 - up to 50% of the L2 audit cost, capped at $1000, with the rebate paid on completion of the L2 audit and report received by Council.
- Part 2 - up to 50% of the L2 audit cost, capped at $1000, with the rebate paid on completion of agreed recommendations.
Energy efficiency
Up to 50% rebate, capped at $2000 for energy efficiency projects at a site. Eligible installations include:
- lighting upgrades;
- occupancy sensors and timers;
- equipment upgrades such as air conditioning, refrigeration, pumps and motors to more efficient models.
Projects must show electricity savings in replacing old equipment with new, more efficient equipment.
Solar PV
Up to $1000 for solar PV systems sized between 5kW and 10kW.
Up to $2000 for solar PV systems above 10kW.
Electric vehicle chargers
Up to 50% rebate, capped at $2000 for installation of shared electric car charging station.
Water Smart
Up to $1000 under Ku-ring-gai Council’s Water Smart rebate program.
This includes water efficiency measures such as permeable surfaces, green roofs, rain gardens and rainwater tanks.
Businesses must be:
- registered, with an ABN;
- located within the Ku-ring-gai LGA;
- a Better Business Partnership member.
Home-based businesses are not eligible for this BBP rebate (they are eligible for the community EnergySmart and WaterSmart rebates).
The BBP rebates cannot be used in conjunction with any other rebates or grants.
Join the Better Business Partnership
Take advantage of the great resources this program offers to local businesses wanting to reduce their environmental impact, improve profits and differentiate their business in the local community. It is easy and free.