Ku-ring-gai Creek to Tree Fern Gully Creek Track

Start/finish: Begin either at Kitchener Street, St Ives, or Lamberts Clearing at the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden, St Ives
Distance: 7km return
Duration: 2.5hrs with rest periods
Difficulty: Hard – long, steep, rough sections, and many steps. Visitors with heart or breathing difficulties should not attempt this track.

Description: This is a challenging walk but well worth the effort to experience spectacular views from Phantom Falls with a drop of around 250 metres. Rainforest thrives in shady Coachwood gullies and several short turn-offs lead to picturesque rest spots.
View Ku-ring-gai Creek to Tree Fern Gully Creek Track brochure and map(PDF, 491KB)
Note: Gates to the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden close at 4pm. Pedestrian exit only after hours.
More info: 9424 0000 or email krg@krg.nsw.gov.au.