Neighbourhood Centres Revitalisation Program

There are fourteen Neighbourhood Centres in Ku-ring-gai. These Centres are typically a small cluster of strip retailing and commercial businesses that provide daily shopping needs, community facilities and a small range of other conveniences, servicing the immediate surrounding residents.
Two pilot projects, namely Phillip Mall in West Pymble and the Princes Street shops in Turramurra were undertaken in 2013 and 2014 respectively. These projects demonstrated what could be achieved in terms of the local revitalisation of Neighbourhood Centres. In 2015 Council adopted the Neighbourhood Centres Revitalisation Program which allocated funding for the upgrade of all Neighbourhood Centres across the Ku-ring-gai Local Government Area (LGA). These works are funded by s7.12 development contributions.
The pandemic years have increased the focus on the local areas where we live and the facilities/amenities within walking distance of our homes. As such, Neighbourhood Centre upgrade works will improve local accessibility, amenity and functionality to cater for more intensive usage.
Read more about the Ku-ring-gai Council s7.12 Local Levy Contributions Plan 2023.
Program status
The Neighbourhood Centre upgrades are being delivered on a rolling works program undertaken in order of priority and are based on a reasonably achievable staged delivery schedule. However, actual delivery times may be impacted by unforeseen events.
Works in progress
Eastern Road, Turramurra
Design development underway in 2022/2023.
Completed works
Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga
As part of the Neighbourhood Centres Revitalisation Program, the pedestrian area at Fox Valley Road Neighbourhood Centre has been upgraded with works completed in 2023 at a total budget cost of $550,000.
The objective for this upgrade was to revitalise the Fox Valley Road shopping area with new paving, seating and landscaping, providing a safe, secure and easily accessible pedestrian environment that will better meet the needs of shop owners, business operators and the local community alike.
The scope of works included:
- Upgraded footpaths - new paving with increased accessibility.
- Revised parking layout - providing additional paving area and pedestrian movement space in front of the cafes and shops.
- Additional parking to the rear car park.
- Landscaping works - new garden beds and street trees.
- Fixtures - new seating areas and bike parking.
- Adjusted and rationalised parking times.
Babbage Road, Roseville Chase
Council undertook community consultation in 2016, as Babbage Road was high on the priority list for the Neighbourhood Centres Revitalisation Program.
The works were completed in 2020 at a total budget cost of $560,000.
The scope of works included:
- Upgraded footpaths - new paving and concrete footpaths with increased accessibility.
- Landscaping works - garden beds to front side and rear of shops.
- Fixtures - new seating.
- Drainage - regraded rear lane, new kerb and gutter and stormwater pits.
Wellington Road, East Lindfield
Upgrade works to Wellington Road, East Lindfield were completed in 2018 at a total budget cost of $100,000 and included the following enhancements:
- Tree planting, mulched beds beneath existing trees, new garden beds and turf restoration.
- New pathways to provide improved connections between the existing play space, car park and shops.
- Sandstone feature paving.
- New furniture including seating and bins.
- Fencing and bollards.
Princes Street, Turramurra
Upgrade works to Princes Street, Turramurra were completed in 2014 at a total budget cost of $380,000, plus an additional cost of $210,000, for service relocation.
The scope of works included the following enhancements:
- Undergrounding of power lines to enhance the amenity of the public domain, including street trees.
- An accessible walkway connecting the upper and lower footpaths, as well as stair connections at regular intervals.
- A widened lower footpath to the shop frontages to allow for outdoor dining and ease of pedestrian movement.
- New furniture including additional seating opportunities and bins.
- Passively irrigate street trees.
- New walled garden beds.
- Parking maintained to both sides of Princes Street.
West Pymble (Phillip Mall)
The upgrade to Phillip Mall was completed in 2013, at a total budget cost of $650,000. The design intent was to provide a strong garden character, balanced with open areas allowing for easy public access throughout the space. The upgrades provide a robust, safe and accessible public area that allows for a range of uses including shopping, sitting, meeting, community activities and outdoor dining.
Key elements of the design included:
- Uniformly graded continuous pavement.
- Open walkways below the shop awnings for unhindered shopper access.
- A central walkway offering quieter locations with seating amongst the gardens and trees.
- Raised garden beds and sandstone walls that provide separation between uses and create outdoor rooms, including seating.
- A central open activities area.
- A covered walkway to replace the existing at the southern end of the mall.
- Outdoor dining lease areas.
- Tree and groundcover planting allowing visibility at eye level.
- Stormwater collection and re-use for toilet flushing of public toilets and garden irrigation.
Future works
The following Neighbourhood Centres are proposed to be upgraded over the next 10 years as part of a rolling program:-
- Killara Village - Marian Street.
- West Lindfield - Moore Avenue.
- East Killara - Koola Avenue.
- West Gordon - Duneba Avenue.
- Killara - Pacific Highway.
- North Turramurra - Bobbin Head Road.
- South Turramurra - Auluba Road & Kissing Point Road.
- Wahroonga - Redleaf Avenue and Railway Avenue.