Terms and conditions for Smart Programs and Greenstyle Home Assessment

General terms

  1. I have read and understood the application process.
  2. I understand that works which are required for either BASIX or Development Application compliance are not eligible for rebates. 
  3. I give permission for Ku-ring-gai Council officers to enter my property for the purpose of carrying out the assessment or inspecting installation associated with a rebate claim.
  4. I acknowledge an incomplete application form will not be considered for rebate by Ku-ring-gai Council. 
  5. I understand Ku-ring-gai Council gives no guarantee of entitlement to a rebate.
  6. I warrant that the equipment/s installed through Council's rebate programs will remain in place for at least five years.
  7. Applicants will be required to repay the rebate if any of these terms and conditions is found to have been breached in the first five (5) years after the rebate was received.
  8. Ku-ring-gai Council shall not be responsible for and the Applicant releases Ku-ring-gai Council to the full extent permitted by law, for liability in respect of any warranty or other issues relating to the Energy Smart/Pool pump/Water Smart rebate program for the purposes of submitting this Pre-approval Application.
  9. I understand Ku-ring-gai Council will not share or disclose any personal information with any other organisation. Only anonymised data collected through its programs would be shared for the purpose of research and promoting sustainability amongst the community.
  10. Payment of approved rebates will be made to the property owner or applicant (with owners written permission) as identified in the Application Form in the form a cheque.

Greenstyle Home Sustainability Assessment 

  1. I am willing to provide information associated with my home assessment in the future and authorise Ku-ring-gai Council officers to contact me for this purpose.

Energy Smart

  1. I acknowledge a pre-approval with 6 months validity for Energy smart rebates and 21 days validity for Pool pump rebates will be granted subject to funds availability and Ku-ring-gai Council will have absolute discretion in granting of pre-approvals. 
  2. I guarantee that the equipment installed is new and that I will endeavour to dispose of the old equipment responsibly, following advice supplied by Council.
  3. I have not received an Energy Smart or Pool pump rebate for the same action on this property for a period of five years prior to this application.