Forms and information packs
Building works
Appoint Council as Replacement PCA(PDF, 152KB)
Notice of Commencement of Building Works(PDF, 818KB)
Principal Certifying Authority Service Agreement(PDF, 369KB)
Out of Hours Work Application Information Sheet - read first(PDF, 350KB)
Out of Hours Work Application - Click here to apply online
Building certificate
Application for a building information certificate (formerly known as 149D Building Certificate) - IMPORTANT - Read the Information Sheet for Application for Building Information Certificate(PDF, 43KB) before lodging
Complying development
Pre CDC Consultation Application (online application) and Information Sheet for Pre CDC consultation service(PDF, 245KB)
Development application
Development Application checklist(PDF, 174KB)
Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement(PDF, 35KB)
Owners Consent Form(PDF, 204KB)
Bushfire Risk Assessment Certificate(PDF, 113KB)
Waste Management Plan(PDF, 530KB)
Development Application Valuation of Works Estimate Sheet(PDF, 220KB)
Extend DA Consent - Section 95A(PDF, 1MB)
Please note: As a result of recent legislative changes responding to COVID-19, any development consent that was operational as at 25 March 2020 has had its lapsing date extended by two years. Additionally, deferred commencement consents which had not yet become operational as at 25 March 2020 are subject to an extension of the time available to satisfy those terms (to make the consent operational and so prevent the development consent from lapsing) of an additional two years. There are other new provisions that apply to development consents granted after 25 March 2020. View Legislative changes to lapsing date of consents and deferred commencement consent.
Development application (Pre-DA Consultation)
Please note: Due to its popularity, the current processing time for pre DA’s is 4-6 weeks following the initial quality review of the application. This is to ensure we continue to provide quality service and advice.
Learn more about a pre-DA consultation
Development application (information packs)
DA guide(PDF, 5MB)
Development Assessment Process Fact Sheet(PDF, 346KB)
Ecological information pack(PDF, 224KB)
Engineering information pack(PDF, 5MB)
Draft MUSIC modelling guidelines(PDF, 412KB)
Minor works applications (heritage)
Minor Works Application (Conservation Area)
Minor Works Application (Heritage Item)
Minor Works Application Guidelines(PDF, 195KB)
Modify development consent (section 4.55)
Information about modifying a development consent
Plan of Subdivision Lodgement form(PDF, 190KB)
A full list of council forms can be viewed on our find a form page.