Drink and drug driving

drink driving

What’s your Plan B?

Ku-ring-gai Council is encouraging its residents and visitors to think about their Plan B before heading out.

Drink driving is one of the biggest causes of death and injury on NSW roads. In 2021, alcohol-related crashes claimed the lives of 47 people on NSW roads, including 38 lives on country roads.

So have a 'Plan B' - an alternate way home that doesn’t involve driving if you have been drinking alcohol.

Your Plan B could include:

  • arranging a lift with a sober driver;
  • sharing a taxi;
  • using public transport;
  • staying on a friend’s couch;
  • booking accommodation near the party venue.

The Plan B Drink Drive Campaign is about encouraging people to make positive choices to get home safely after a night out, reinforcing the safety message that if you are having a few drinks, driving is NOT an option.

Drug driving

Taking illegal drugs before driving puts you at greater risk of injuring or killing yourself, your friends or other innocent people. Transport for NSW research shows that the presence of illegal drugs is involved in around the same number of fatal crashes as drink driving. 

The NSW Government takes a zero tolerance approach to drug driving, to stop drivers putting themselves and others at risk by getting behind the wheel after using drugs. 

Mobile Drug Testing (MDT) detects the presence of four common illegal drugs: ecstasy, cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine (including speed and ice). 

You can also be charged with Driving under the Influence (DUI) of illegal or prescription drugs, if you are driving while affected by a drug. 

Factsheet - Alcohol and drugs(PDF, 81KB)