Information updates following the recent storm and heavy rainfall.
Discover the most common birds spotted in Ku-ring-gai and join the annual Aussie Backyard Bird Count in October. Read the report here(PDF, 3MB).
Australian king parrot
Brush turkey
Channel-billed cuckoo
Crimson rosella
Eastern koel
Eastern spinebill
Eastern whipbird
Eastern yellow robin (© Sue Ellen Smith)
Eurasian coot
Laughing kookaburra
New Holland honeyeater
Pacific Baza (© Bob trlin)
Powerful owl
Rainbow lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeet pair
Satin bowerbird
Spotted pardalote
Sulphur crested cockatoo
Superb fairy wren
Superb lyrebird
Tawny frogmouths (© Phillip Grimm)
Variegated fairy-wren
Yellow-tailed black cockatoo
Boobook owl, Ninox boobook